Sunday, September 13, 2009


Teachers having fun in Brazil

A new code of conduct for teachers comes into life next month. The code was elaborated by the General Teaching Council for England (and thanks God not Brazil!).

The old one was not bad at all. Let's have a look at some more entertaining parts of it and imagine we're in England.

2.1 General
"...Ambiguous or ambivalent comment and conduct, in particular, should be avoided."

Gosh! Don't we all interpret what we hear through our personal filter? Imagine your student finishing their fruit after the break. Eating time is over; having a snack in the classroom isn't welcome. "Eat you banana" you order. Well, watch your mouth, what a nasty thing to say!

2.2 Physical Contact
"...Touching pupils, including well-intentioned informal and formal gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm, can, if repeated regularly, lead to questions being raised."

Oh, dear... I read in magazine that human touch performs miracles, makes us feel relaxed, closer to people around which decreases our stress level, newborns develop better being touched... Careful. It doesn't work with students. They are a different species. The sex obsessed one.

Thanks God they let teachers touch their students in few cases. For example when a pupil wants to jump from the window or when they cry - but only if it's a kid (crying adult is out of rich!) and also be careful here because : "...Particular care must be taken in instances, which involve the same pupil over a period of time..." Sorry little boy, you can cry only once in my classroom...

2.3 Private meetings
"Private meetings, by their very nature, provide opportunities for pupils to make malicious allegations..."

Run Forrest! Ruuuun! Whenever student wants to clarify a doubt after the lesson - run for your life!
Ana, sorry, we can not be friends any longer as you are my student. Don't come to my place anymore, unless you quit studying...

2.6 Comments and Discussions with Pupils
"...Employees must avoid comments to or about pupils which could be taken to have sexual overtones..."

Editors of course books - PLEASE, no more "How old are you?", "Are you married?", or "What's the best place for the first date?" questions.

What about new code of conduct? Well, it requires teachers to uphold 'public trust' in their profession outside school. No more partying, no more drinking, no more shagging. It's immoral. After all, tutors need to give an example.

I was reading it and I felt a great relief. I live in Brazil where people touch each other all the time during a simple "How are things?" conversation.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Few thoughts from Poland 2

Nina and Filip by Agata Zgarda

Whenever one thinks about passage of time, at the same time dreams about lasting forever.

Yesterday my daughter met 5 year old Filip. They played the whole day together and when the boy was leaving Nina hugged him. Filip said: 'I'll come here tomorrow if you do it again.'
Twenty-something years ago I played with Filip's father...

One minute passes, nobody notices. Two more add to it, we still don't pay attention. After twenty years reality blindsides you at 5 pm on some idle Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tragic death

"Brüno" by Sacha Baron Cohen

I saw Brüno (2009) yesterday. I wasn't sure but now I know... Contemporary American cinema is dying.

A few minutes of not writing to mourn the loss...

Saturday, September 05, 2009

A story.

I read this story and felt like sharing it with you :-)

Once upon a time, there was this little sparrow, who while flying south for the winter froze solid and fell to the ground. To make matters worse the cow appeared and crapped on him, but the manure was all warm and it defrosted him. So there he is, he's warm and he's happy to be alive and he starts to sing. A hungry cat comes along and he clears off the manure and he looks at the little bird and then he eats him.
The moral of the story is this: everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy and everyone who gets you out of crap is not necessarily your friend and if you’re warm and happy wherever you are, you should just keep your big mouth shut.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Mutual admiration circle

Photo by Agata Zgarda

What a great motivation other blogger can be! Your enthusiasm made me feel like writing more or rather coming back to writing after a while. I always complain about lack of time, which turned to be a great excuse for everything. The truth is, time can be moulded the way one wants it. The great challenge here is to realise that and take things firmly in one's hands :-)
Grip it, shape it, use it, it's yours.

Thank you Ken :-)

Few thoughts from Poland.

I was exactly on the left side of this port wine

This is what went through my mind while I was lying on the grass in my parents' summer house with a pen, paper and a glass of port:

"Time is a slut. Present mixes with past and future. Here I am in the middle of the forest again, listening to Olsztyn radio station playing some oldies. Nice soundtrack to my stream of thoughts... It took me back in time.

I used to come here every summer when I lived in Poland. Now I'm here again, doing the same stuff I did years ago. Only things have changed slightly and their perception isn't the same anymore. Am I doing all these things again because I want to go back in time, because that's what I'm supposed to do here or because what I do now will change the future?

Who cares...I'm here now.

NOW. I love this word. Saying it I feel as if I caught the present moment red-handed. Few weeks from now the present moment will be the past already. What a shame."